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Thursday, November 30, 2006 @1:43 AM

Happy Birthday Dear


every page of my imagination

Saturday, November 25, 2006 @7:53 PM

Wei Xiao Pasta

Finally finished a Taiwan Drama Series wei xiao pasta. Starring Cyndi Wang, Nicholas Zhang Dong Liang and etc. OMG the show is very nice loh, it's just another typical love story lah. I just likes such dramas lah, because its just like any fairy tale ending and they live happily after all. This show is ultra cute, because of cyndi. I just like her in this show. I want more such shows because its a cheap and time wasting hobby. Wohahaha


The story begins with Xiao Shi (Cyndi Wang) day dreaming on her balcony, wishing for a successful love. In her dazed state, she accidentally knocks her mug over the edge, which then lands and bounces off the front of He Qun's (Nicholas Zhang) sportscar, when he happened to be driving past. This marks the beginning of their intertwined destinies. The next morning, Xiao Shi's flamboyant but nonethless supportive family, conducts a good luck ceremony for Xiao Shi, as it is her and her current boyfriend, Peter's 3 month anniversary. Despite being cursed with relationships not exceeding 3 months, Xiao Shi has a great feeling about today, recalling Peter telling her that he will introduce her to the most important woman in his life. That can only mean his mother, right? Xiao Shi is so confident that everything will go well, even making a bet with her brother that she can bring Peter home tonight.

every page of my imagination

Friday, November 24, 2006 @3:33 PM

Sembawang Green here i come

Good news!! Already apply for our flat at sembawang green Blk 489, but cannot be too happy yet coz we have to wait for HDB to announce the result. The response must be over 75% then they will build. Have been checking on the website to see the response, until now the response was good. I have to thanks my cousin mei guang jie jie for her advise and comments. Your advise really help us alot, or we will be still thinking whether we want or not.

Christmas Coming...

HoHoHo.. I am so happy coz christmas is coming. Today me and my colleague tiffany decided to go over to Rochor center to buy some christmas stuff to decorate our simple office. The shop we went is just next to DBS bank, they sell all sort of christmas stuff and etc. We bought a christmas tree and some decoration things. Just a few items also cost us about $60, woo so expersive.

every page of my imagination

Thursday, November 23, 2006 @3:08 PM

7 Years 7 Month Anniversary

Our LOVE story started on 23 April 1999. No regret saying "Yes" to him. Time had pass so fast we have been together for 7 years 7 month. 'myspace I'm proud and happy to have a wonderful dear. I really appreciate for the the things you had done for me for the pass few years. Right now we have a new goal to meet. We gonna save more money for our wedding and house. So both of us must work hard and jia you to earn more money. jia you.. jia you

every page of my imagination

Thursday, November 16, 2006 @10:31 PM


Bad news for me. The BTO start on 13 July so mostly the good unit have been selected by other people. Haiz no more good unit for me liao but tml will still go down to Hdb and have a look. Hope that i can still get a unit that both of us like. Huijun already choose her unit hope to be her neighbour.

every page of my imagination

Monday, November 13, 2006 @8:11 PM

Luxury Christmas Tree

Following a gold Christmas card, Japanese
jeweler GinzaTanaka has produced another
product made of pure gold for a Christmas
tree. This magnificent and splendid tree
which is currently on display at a store in
Japan is made from 21kg of gold and costs
a whopping US $850,000.Woo..Woo...
The Christmas Tree is so expensive


every page of my imagination

Sunday, November 12, 2006 @3:01 PM

Results for our BTO

Here is my results for our BTO Estate: Sembawang Green
My balloted queue position: so233
Total Number of units: 0471

Have received a letter from HDB inviting us to select a flat
on 17 November 2006. Oh my god so surprise to received the letter. Dont know should be happy or no? I'm not sure whether we wan to buy or not coz the flat will only be ready on July 2011. Only left a few day to think. There are many things to take into consideration. Buying flat is not like buying clothes, shoes or hp.haii haii. Must Plan and discuss together with my dear. Huijun also received the letter, her queue number is so infront hope that she will get a unit that she like.
Good luck gal

every page of my imagination

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 @12:14 PM

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every page of my imagination

Sunday, November 05, 2006 @6:57 PM

Ktv Gathering

When to Party World Ktv at Yishun Safra with my dearest sec friends ah ping, ah yi, ah jiao and her boyfriend. We have our dinner at a restaurant call Eatzi Steakhouse &
Bistro. The foods was not bad and the price was reasonable. The restaurant is a franchise of Jack's Place.

every page of my imagination

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Wizard Animation
A simple gal who leads a simple life.. Family and Friends are my life.. Blissfully attached to darling yuan..
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My Family
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Mr Yuan




November 2006
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