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Monday, December 25, 2006 @11:17 PM

HoHoHo Merry Merry Christmas

Wishing you and your loved ones a very merry and wonderful christmas filled with joy, love and peace.

Went to my ah ma house to celebrate the christmas. I love spending this festive season with my family members. We had tukey, ham, log cake, pork ribs and gifts exchange for that day. Yummy! Yummy! Alot of good foods and i really enjoy myself.

Our Christmas Tree. hahaha

Swensen Log Cake

every page of my imagination

Monday, December 18, 2006 @1:27 PM

Creative Advertisement

every page of my imagination

Monday, December 11, 2006 @5:33 PM

I'm so tired...

1 week never blog liao..haii. Super busy for the whole week. Been working ot for almost everyday and i'm seriously low batt liao. I think i need to get a good rest to charge my batt to full. These few day is nothing special for me coz other then working, i'll be at home resting.

Ah ma birthday is just around the corner,wohaha she is celebrating her 80th birthday this year. We will have our lunch at Tai Seng Restaurant. Heard from cousin that they order $800 plus per table for the lunch and a 6kg birthday cake. OMG 6kg how to finish.. counting down for the date to came..

every page of my imagination

Saturday, December 02, 2006 @11:34 AM

A Battle Of Wits

I had watched one of the show that i wanna watch! Honestly my rating for this show is 4 stars, and that has nothing to do with Andy lau. But the Story plot is brillant. When to Punggol park, the place is a great place to meet out although there were some lizards. Hahaha.

They serve the root-beer float in this cute mug

every page of my imagination

Created by Crazyprofile.com


Wizard Animation
A simple gal who leads a simple life.. Family and Friends are my life.. Blissfully attached to darling yuan..
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My Family
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Mr Yuan




November 2006
December 2006
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